Thursday, June 19, 2008

6/19/08 Recap

The Nat Gas swings I had gapped up and attempted to push higher before selling off.

I sold 1/3 of my XTO @ 73.61 (38% fib extension of the double bottom/cup & handle pattern) and was stopped out of the rest just below 72.00.

I was stopped out of the entire DVN position just below 121.00.

I tried putting a swing position of EAC on just above 75 yet that reversed with the rest of the nat gas sector once the EIA data came out. I stopped out just below 74.

As far as the day trades go, most everything I was watching looked pretty choppy.

I was debating taking a long position on ENER, but it seemed pretty erratic for the first part of the day.

One trade I did put on was a short on PXP as it posted an inverse cup and handle that based @ ~77.75. I wish I could say I held it the entire way down but I began partialling out at the pivot points shortly after. My initial stop was just above 78.25. Bleh.

I most likely will be taking tomorrow off as it's likely to be as choppy as things were today.


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