Random Interesting Links 4/3/08
- A Trade A Day talks about trader death
- Trading with TK looks to be another great blog, run by a seasoned professional and another one that you may have to keep open during the trading day.
- The Walmart CEO wants businesses to do WHAT?
- Speaking of Walmart; After hearing this story on CNN this weekend, I closed out the WMT swing position I had put on last week. I picked it up at ~52, sold it at ~52.75 on Monday. Even though its at nearly 55 now, I have no regrets. There's just something dirty about making $$ off of a company like that.
- Hillary is fcking Obama (hilarious)
- Traderfeed talks about trading when frustrated
- Options Addict, highlights the similarities between addictive drinking and addictive trading. I found it to be very similar to the first portion of Dr. Elder's Book : Trading for a Living, where he talks about "Losers Anonymous."
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